Mar 20Discover your Jewish Genealogical Roots [more info]AVLB
Feb 25How I created a Family Tree and Family History Book [more info]OVD
Jan 16Paulette Bronstein: Discover your jewish genealogical roots [more info]AVLB
Jan 12Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025 with Jeannette Grunhaus de Gelman [more info]TBAM


Dec 15, 2024David Light: How I created a family tree and family history book[more info]TBAM
Nov 17, 2024Professor Marsha B Cohen [more info]TBAM
Oct 20, 2024Michael Milgrom: The Feast of Tabernacle – Sukkot [more info]TBAM
Sept 15, 2024From Old to New: Discovery and Insight into a Long-Forgotten World [more info]TBAM
July 18th & 25thObserving the 120th death anniversary of Theodor Herzl [more info]TBAM
June 20th & 27thFinding a Skeleton in Grandma’s Closet [more info 1] [more info 2]TBAM
May 21, 2024Michael Milgrom: Is The Marriage Institute Still Relevant? [more info]TBAM
Apr 21, 2024Daniel Horowitz: How to Share Your Family Story with AI-Assisted Tools [more info]JFED
Mar 20, 2024Discussion of recently published book HUNGARIAN PATCHWORK [more info]UM
Mar 06, 2024Caribbean Jewish and Gentile Records [more info]Zoom
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 2024Thursday Evenings: Search for your ancestry via [more info]Zoom
Feb 13, 2024Dr. Robert Wolf: Not A Real Enemy (Holocaust Survivor True Stories)[more info]Temple Sinai
Feb 11, 2024Jordan Auslander: Genealogy Goes to the Movies [more info]JFED
Jan 28, 2024Prof. Daniel Wagner: When People Disappear III [more info]Zoom
Jan 21, 2024 Dr. Robert Wolf: Not A Real Enemy > The True Story of a Hungarian Jewish Man’s Fight for Freedom [more info]TBAM
Jan 17, 2024Mark Olson: Family Tree Maker [more info]Zoom


Dec 17, 2023GENIE MILGROM: My Return to the Ancestors: A Spiritual and Genealogical Journey [more info]JFED
Nov 12, 2023 Steve Jaron: Unlocking the past. Exploring Ashkenazi Dutch Jewish Ancestry [more info]JFED
Nov 5, 2023Trial and Error: History of Zionism (Chaim Weizmann, Arthur Balfour) [more info]JFED
Oct 15, 2023Rositta E Kenigsberg: Grand Opening of the New interactive Learning Center [more info]HDEC
Oct 15, 2023Claudia Starosta: Two Branches, Two Destinies [more info]Temple Beth Am
July 16, 2023Visages of Memory at University of Miami [more info]Live
June 11, 2023Sharing family history from Orla from 1805 to present [more info]Live
Feb 14, 2023Mark Olsen: What’s New in Family Tree Maker Q&A Discussion [more info]Zoom
Feb 8, 2023Paulette Bronstein: Creating a family history book using MyCanvas [more info]Live
Jan 15, 2023Mona Freedman Morris: Treasures from Historical NY Vital Records [more info]Live


Dec 04, 2022Yom Haplitim: Voices of Jewish Refugees from Islamic LandsYom Haplitim [more info]Live
Nov 08, 2022Arthur Sissman: – How to use the website? [more info]Zoom
Nov 01, 2022Jews of Color – The Controversy [more info]Virtual
Oct 23, 2022Jeff Wallach (renowned author): Mr. Wizard [more info]Live
Oct 9, 2022Rosalind Merritt: A Slice of our Jewish Heritage Community [more info]Live
Sept 18, 2022Paulette Bronstein: What Our Genealogical Research Can Reveal [more info]Zoom
June 1, 2022Paulette Bronstein: Search your ancestor’s timeline and historical records via KehilaLinks [more info]Live
May 15, 2022(Part 2) The Second Exodus: The Clandestine Jewish Immigrants to Palestine from Muslim States Prior to Israel Independence [more info]Zoom
May 1, 2022Dr. Peter Tarjan, Ph.D.: Women fighting the Nazi [more info]Live
April 10, 2022Ann Rabinowitz: The Value of Kehilalinks in Jewish Genealogy Research [more info]Live
April 3, 2022(Part 1) The Second Exodus: The Clandestine Jewish Immigrants to Palestine Prior to Israel Independence [more info]Zoom
March 13, 2022Professor Miriam Hoffman: Curious Rabbinic Tales: The Shortest Tall Stories [more info]Zoom
March 8, 2022Professor Hal Bookbinder: Practicing Safe Computing [more info]Zoom
February 8, 2022Mr. Arthur Sissman: How to set up to be a successful and cooperative genealogist [more info]Zoom
February 6, 2022Allan J. Hall J.D.: Hiding In Plain Sight: A Memoir of Surviving the Holocaust [more info]Zoom
January 5, 2022Robbin M. Smith: Writing Genealogical Stories [more info]Zoom


December 5, 2021Janice Masur: Shalom Uganda [more info]Zoom
November 9, 2021Alex Krakovsky: World-Renowned Ukrainian genealogical researcher [more info]Zoom
November 7, 2021Genie Milgrom: Finding Hidden Lineages Through Crypto-Jewish Genealogy [more info]Zoom
October 10, 2021 Horia Haim F. Ghiuzeli: Centuries-old history of the family names of the Jews of Morocco [more info]Zoom
September 26, 2021 Libby Copeland: The Cultural Phenomenon of Home DNA Testing [more info]Zoom
September 14, 2021 Mr. Arthur Sissman: How to share your Family Tree on Ancestry or My Heritage and Keep your Privacy [more info] Zoom
August 10, 2021Mr. Arthur Sissman: – Should I Upload or Not? Part II [more info]Zoom
August 2-5, 202141st IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy by IAJGS [more info]Zoom
July 13, 2021Mr. Arthur Sissman: – Should I Upload or Not? [more info]Zoom
June 8, 2021Mr. Arthur Sissman: Visit your deceased relatives via Find-a-Grave [more info]Zoom
June 6, 2021The Forgotten Exodus: Florida’s Hispanic Jews from the Islamic World [more info]Zoom
May 16, 2021Marina Berkovich: A Slice of Jewish Life: Two Island Stories [more info]Zoom
May 11, 2021Mr. Arthur Sissman: Explore the website [more info]Zoom
April 25, 2021Judith Roumani, PhD: Jews in Southern Tuscany during the Holocaust [more info]Zoom
April 18, 2021Lisa Cooper: A Forgotten Land – Growing up in the Jewish Pale [more info]Zoom
March 21, 2021Doug Kaplan: Who Are the Israelite Samaritans? [more info] Zoom
February 21, 2021Dr. Lior Sternfeld: Slice of Jewish Life – The Jewish Community in Iran [more info] Zoom
January 31, 2021Kim Sheintal: Jews of Sarasota-Manatee [more info] Zoom
January 10, 2021Doron Friedman: Discovery and Insight into a Long-Forgotten World [more info] Zoom


December 13, 2020Barbara Rosenthal and Sylvia Gurinsky: Seders and Cigars – A History of the Jews in Tampa [more info] Zoom
December 6, 2020Prof. Henry Green, Alain Farhi, Yves Fedida, Juliette Glasser: A Slice of our Jewish Heritage Community – The Jewish Community from Egypt [more info] Zoom
November 15, 2020Robbin Smith: Where exactly is that picture? [more info] Zoom
November 8, 2020Ruth Badley: A slice of Jewish Heritage – Three generations of a Dutch/Jewish family living at the East End of London [more info] Zoom
October 18, 2020Sylvia Gurinsky: A slice of Jewish Heritage – A timeline of the Cuban American Jewish Community [more info] Zoom
August 5, 2020Paulette Bronstein, JGSGM President: Genealogy Research Before the Internet [more info] Zoom
July 6. 2020Robbin Smith, JGSGM Board Member: Getting Started with FamilySearch [more info] Zoom
May 17, 2020Elaine Farran: Memoir Writing – A Personalized Method of Recording Family History for Future Generations [more info] – Postponed
APRIL 19,2020Deborah H. Long: Out of the Whirlwind:  Resources for Holocaust Research [more info] – Postponed
April 12, 2020Avi and Prof. Miriam Hoffman: Legends of the AlefBet: The Origins of the Alphabet [more info] – Postponed
March 1, 2020Bill Farran: The Story of our Shtetls [more info] TBAM
February 23, 2020Daniel Horowitz, MyHeritage Genealogist Expert: Integrating DNA and Family History Research at MyHeritage [more info] AVLB
February 23, 2020Daniel Horowitz, MyHeritage Genealogist Expert: MyHeritage Advanced Features
[more info]
February 2,2020Rabbi Rachel Druck: A LIVE Virtual tour from Beit Hatfutsot, The Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, with C-U-ROBOT! [more info] TBAM
January 19, 2020Nolan Altman, JewishGen VP Data Acquisition: Patronymic Naming and Cemetery Records [more info] JFED
January 5, 2020Doug Kaplan: Truth or Consequences, the Confrontation between Karism and Rabbinism [more info] TBAM


December 15, 2019Election and Hanukkah Party JFED
November 17, 2019Fred Blum: Locate individuals through genealogy [more info] JFED
October 27, 2019Marc Gueron: Jews in Ottoman Lands [more info] JFED
October 20, 2019Elliot Colchamiro: The Jews of Greece [more info] TBAM
October 13, 2019Genie Milgrom: Recipes of My 15 Grandmothers [more info] TBAM
September 22, 20192019 Fall Season Kickoff [more info] JFED
September 15, 2019Robert Jacobvitz: The Center for the Jewish History [more info] TBAM
June 23, 2019Robbin Smith: Show & Tell [more info] JFED
May 19, 2019Mindy Robbin: A Slice of Jewish Life [more info] TBAM
May 5, 2019My Dear Children: The quest to unravel a family mystery (Film) [more info] TBAM
April 24, 2019Paulette Bronstein: Mentor Session with JGSGM President – Check our blog AVLB
April 7, 2019JGSGM 30th Anniversary – Sharing Members research [more info] JFED
March 17, 2019Peter Tarjan: Rescue Efforts and Resistance in Nazi Occupied Budapest, 1944-45 TBAM
March 10, 2019Andrew Zalewski: Galician Portraits-The Story of Jews, Gentiles, and Emperors [more info] JFED
February 13, 2019Paulette Bronstein: Mentor Session with JGSGM President – Check our blog AVLB
February 10, 2019Lara Diamond: DNA Research and Genetics [more info] JFED
February 3, 2019Mark Olsen: A guideline to creating your Family Tree [more info] TBAM
January 30, 2019Paulette Bronstein: Mentor Session with JGSGM Pres. Check our blog AVLB
January 28, 2019Robert Jacobvitz & Prof Haim Shaked: Screening of “Disobedience” (Sousa Mendes) UM
January 20, 2019Hal Bookbinder: The Changing Borders of Eastern Europe [more info] JFED
January 20, 2019Hal Bookbinder: Ships of our Ancestors (@ 1:30 p.m.) [more info] JFED
January 13, 2019Genie Milgrom: Pyre to Fire @ 11:00 AM AVLB
January 6, 2019Bill Farran: The Jews and the Czars TBAM


December 16, 2018Bill Farran: Wooden synagogues till the Partition of Poland [more info] JFED
December 9, 2018Louise Uzan: “Operation Finale” at the Holocaust Recording Center TBAM
November 19, 2018A Slice of Jewish Life – Study Group TBAM
November 4, 2018Allan J Hall, JD: The Process of Writing and Publishing a Memoir [more info] JFED
October 14, 2018Panel Discussion: Searching Our Lithuanian Heritage [more info] JFED
September 23, 2018Our Legacy (part 2) TBAM
September 16, 20182018 Warsaw IAJGS Conference Report [more info] JFED
August 26, 2018Our Legacy [more info] TBAM
August 19, 2018Paulette Bronstein, JGSGM President: Genealogy Workshop AVLB
June 24, 2018Panel Discussion: Researching the Polish Archive [more info] JFED
May 6, 2018Genie Milgrom: Pyre to Fire [more info] TBAM
April 29, 2018Robert Jacobvitz: The Sousa Mendes Story [more info] AVLB
April 29, 2018Cami Hofstadter: Scandinavia at the Holocaust Years [more info] TBAM
April 22, 2018Rebecca Barber: A Journey of Faith, Hope and Survival [more info] TBAM
April 15, 2018Rose Feldman: Searching Genealogical Resources in Israel [more info] JFED
March 11 2018Robert Jacobvitz: The Sousa Mendes Story [more info] TBAM
March 4, 2018Phyllis Kramer, V.P. Education, JewishGen: Effective Online Search Techniques [more info] JFED
February 19 2018Peggy Freedman: DNA report interpretation CONS
February 18, 2018Peggy Freedman: Researching Your Jewish Family History in Lithuania [more info] JFED
February 11, 2018Ava “Sherlock” Cohn, The Photo Genealogist: Jewish family photographs [more info] TBAM
January 14, 2018Mark Olsen, FTM Genealogy Community Ambassador: Family Tree Maker 2017 – Latest Release New Features [more info] JFED
January 7, 2018Nolan Altman, VP for Data Acquisition, JewishGen: Patronymic Naming and Cemetery Records – Their Importance in Jewish Genealogy [more info] TBAM


December 10, 2017JGS Election and Hanukah Party [more info] TBAM
November 19, 2017Paulette Bronstein, JGSGM VP Programming: Searching for My Father [more info] JFED
November 5, 2017Nancy Borowick: The Family Imprint – A Daughter’s Portrait of Love and Loss [more info] TBAM
October 22, 2017Genie Milgrom, JGSGM immediate past President: What happened to the Spanish Jews
[more info]
June 11, 2017Peter Tarjan, Ph.D.: The Persecution of the Jews in PÉCS & Prof. Henry Green: Jewish Migration to Florida [more info] JFED
May 21, 2017Bette Heisler: The Last Minyan in Havana [more info] TBAM
May 7, 2017Paulette Bronstein, JGSGM VP: How to make strides in your research using JewishGen Databases JFED
April 23, 2017Louise Uzan & Cheryl Deakter: The Holocaust Documentation & Education Center
[more info]
April 2, 2017Robert Jacobvitz and Lyanne Lindo Wasermann: Preserving Panama’s Jewish Heritage [more info] TBAM
March 5, 2017Crista Cowan, The Barefoot Genealogist: Full Day Ancestry Workshop [more info] JFED
February 26, 2017Diahan Southard: Let your DNA Tell Your Story [more info] TBAM
February 19, 2017Cindy Potter Taylor, President of JGS Palm Beach County: Previewing the 2017 IAJGS Conference in Orlando, FL [more info] JFED
February 5, 2017Doug Kaplan: The Return [more info] AVLB
January 29, 2017Phyllis Kramer, V.P. of Education, JewishGen: Passenger Manifests and the Immigrant voyage [more info] JFED


December 18, 2016Linda Cantor, JewishGen Webmaster: KehilaLinks discussion [more info] JFED
December 15, 2016Ignacio Sternberg, JGS Venezuela: Search and Record your Roots (Spanish class) [more info] AVLB
December 11, 2016Ruth Glasberg Gold: Father Alexandere Glasberg – Righteous among the Nations [more info] AVLB
December 4, 2016Elizabeth Rynecski: Chasing Portrait – Live internet program [more info] TBAM
November 13, 2016Share your Story [more info] JFED
November 7, 2016Yoram Millman: Searching for Records – Israel pre independence (workshop) TBAM
November 6, 2016Ruth Greenfield: Instruments of Change (In collaboration with the G2G Project of Beit Hatfutsot in Israel) TBAM
October 30, 2016Robert Jacobvitz and Lyanne Lindo Wasermann: Preserving Panama’s Jewish Heritage
[more info]
October 9, 2016Doug Kaplan: Descendants of the Conversos [more info] TBAM
September 25, 2016Paulette Bronstein & Sandi Frankel: Reports from the 2016 IAJGS Conference in Seattle [more info] JFED
June 19, 2016Paulette Bronstein: Jews in the Military [more info] JFED
May 22, 2016Dr. Peter Tarjan: A child at the Holocaust [more info] JFED
May 1, 2016Daniel Horowitz, MyHeritage Chief Genealogist: Discovering Your Family History with MyHeritage 7 unique technologies [more info] TBAM
April 28, 2016Daniel Horowitz, MyHeritage Chief Genealogist: Prepare for a cemetery trip (search photo and index) [more info AVLB
April 17, 2016Diahan Southard: Your DNA Guide [more info] JFED
April 10, 2016John Christensen: A brief introduction to the history of photography [more info] TBAM
April 3, 2016Panel Discussion: Do You Know Who You Are? [more info] TBTAS
March 20, 2016Avraham Groll: The Jews in Poland [more info] JFED
February 28, 2016Liz Coursen: Award winning author and historian, Black History Month event [more info] TBAM
February 14, 2016Ann Rabinowitz: Jewish Love Stories workshop [more info] JFED
February 4, 2016Reuven Shefer, Technology Officer of JGS of Greater Miami: How to build your Family Tree Using A  Computer [more info] AVLB
January 31, 2016Dr. Henry Green: The Sephardic Voice [more info] TBAM
January 31, 2016Marcia Finkel: Cemetery Project, Shalom Memorial Park 
January 27, 2016Susanna Moross Tarjan: The legacy of her father, Academy Awards Nominated composer Jerome Moross [more info] BSHR
January 17, 2016Stephen Morse ( San Francisco) Case Study: Genealogy of Renee Kaufman [more info] JFED
January 16, 2016Stephen Morse ( San Francisco)
One-Step Webpages: A Potpourri of Genealogical Search Tools  [more info]


December 6, 2015Walter Schlomann: Award Winning Video editor, director and producer: Creating A Family Video Biography in the Temple library TBAM
December 3, 2015Walter Schlomann: Award winning filmmaker, will share his expertise on creating a family video biography [more info] AVLB
November 15, 2015Dr. Simon Kreindler (Canada): A Genealogist’s Journey [more info][graphic] JFED
November 8, 2015“Telling your story to your children” – Discussion with the audience. This program is affiliated with My Family  Story, in the Temple’s library TBAM
October 25, 2015JGSGM honored Ann Rabinowitz– on the occasion of inaugurating its branch library and research facility at the Temple Beth Am library TBAM
October 18, 2015Shulamith Bahat (Israel/New York): USA CEO of The Museum of the Jewish People in Israel (Beit   Hatfutsot) will launch a unique  community project of the Museum  and its International School initiated by JGSGM: Generation to Generation (G2G) and My Family Story [more info] JFED
September 27, 2015Dr. Annette Fromm: Folklore and Identity of the Jewish Community of Ioannina Greece TBAM
September 20, 2015Fall Opening Meeting: Previews and Reflections [more info] JFED
 May 17, 2015John Christensen, member of the Genealogical Society of Greater Miami:”A very brief introduction to the history of photography for the family historian”  A brief introduction to the various kinds of photographs that a family historian may find in your family papers and archives. How to identify, date and preserve your family photos JFED
April 19, 2015Yom HaShoah Event JFED
February 15, 2015Celebrating 26 years of activities! featuring a presentation by Ann Rabinowitz on “NATURAL DISASTERS AND THE AFFECT ON JEWISH MOBILITY” JFED
January 11, 2015David Laskin, the keynote speaker at the 34th IAJGS Conference TBAM
January 11, 2015Reuven Shefer, Technology Officer of JGS of Greater Miami: How to build your Family Tree Using A  Computer  PBLB


December 21, 2014Program to be announced
November 23, 2014“What’s in a Name? Trouble!” Guest Speaker: Ron Arons [more info]
October 12, 2014“The Z Family: A Story of Suffering and Resilience (The Oys and Joys), A Genealogical journey around the world from 1789 through the Holocaust,” Guest Speaker: Dennis J Rice [more info]
September 21, 2014“Reflections from IAJGS convention at Salt Lake City (August 2014)” with Paulette Bronstein, Mentor; and “Jewish Portugal From a Personal Perspective” By Genie Milgrom [more info]
June 22, 2014Whereabouts of the Jews of Iran.
April 27, 2014Yom Hashoah Event.
April 13, 2014Erwin Joos from Antwerp Belgium  – The Red Star Line Museum  – The shipping line that brought over a  Million immigrant Jews from Europe [more info]
April 9, 2014Daniel Horowitz presenting How we share and preserve memories in a digital era? in North Miami Beach/Aventura [more info]
April 8, 2014Daniel Horowitz presenting Mobile applications for genealogy research in Pinecrest [more info]
March 2, 2014Clued In – Case studies from Sherlock Cohn, the photo Genealogist [more info] 
February 2, 2014Phyllis Kramer-   Getting the most out of Jewish Gen Part 2 (at 1:30 PM) [more info] [Download presentation]
January 19, 2014Tracing our Jewish Roots at 2:00 PM at the Jewish Museum of Florida – A community wide program with speakers, Discussion panels and refreshments [more info]


December 15, 2013Holiday Party for Members only at the Home of Genie and Michael Milgrom
November 17, 2013   Sylvia Gurinsky will present “Tropical Wanderings,” a history of the Jewish community in the Greater Miami area
October 13, 2013How to research your Sephardic Identity
September 22, 2013Reviews and Impressions of the Boston IAJGS Conference that took place in August, 2013
June 9, 2013We will also have a two-part program with our resident experts sharing their research and organization efforts as well as a general Book Discussion on available books in print for research
May 19, 2013The topic is American Jewish Entertainers and their genealogies
April 7, 2013On this Day of Yom Hashoah we will host a two part program with stories from Holocaust Survivors. Dr Marsha Cohen will mentor the event demonstrating the use of online tools to research victims and survivors of the Holocaust
March 10, 2013Presentation by Bennett Greenspan, Pres., Family Tree DNA (this event to be held at FIU Main Campus)
February 17, 2013Webinar with Daniel Horowitz, Chief Genealogist,
January 27, 2013Presentation by Phyllis Kramer, JewishGen VP of Education


December 16, 2012Annual Meeting & Chanukah Celebration
November 18, 2012“Searching for Relatives in Israel” (Followed by Board Meeting including Committee Chairs)
October 21, 2012Regular meeting
September 23, 2012Regular Meeting
August 26, 2012Board of Directors Only
July 15-18, 201232nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, in Paris, France
July 15, 2012Board of Directors Only